Crazy Love

Sometimes I think I have more conversations with myself than I do with other people throughout the day. (Does that make me crazy?!!) On the more frustrating days, I have a constant diatribe of arguments in my own mind on what I should have done better.

Here are some random samplings from my own brain housing unit:

You can't seem to get your preschoolers to school on time? Really? How hard can that be? Other moms seem to do it just fine, and they have more kids than you do. What's your excuse? 

You lost your cell phone again? Seriously? Just put it in the same place everyday, depending upon the room you are in, and this won't be a problem. It's that easy. 

Ok, lady, who forgets that it's their kids' show and tell day? Oh, you? That's ridiculous. That's more than ridiculous. It's sad. Quite sad. Are you sure you even love your son? By your forgetfulness, apparently not. Do better. P.S.- Running selected object into class ten minutes after the presentations are over, does not cut it.

Can't you get your act together enough to make a crockpot meal so dinner can be ready on time? That can't be too difficult, can it?  Having your children eat dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets with a GoGurt does not count as a balanced meal. You must have been misinformed. 

Excuse me, my dear. How long does it take to make a dental appointment? Less than five minutes, you say? Piece of cake. But don't allow your kids to eat that cake, for their teeth will surely rot and they will have a mouth full of cavities. Or wooden teeth, because you won't be able to afford that much silver. 

Slow down there, Bessy. That's how many cups of coffee, and how many glasses of water? Something is not adding up, and you are going to pay for it. One way or another.

Ugh!! How hard is it to get a stinkin' birthday card in the mail on time? You knew it was coming up for the last month, so why did you just now realize it's too late? The post office is really not that intimidating, is it? 

Please tell me, oh wise one, why does it take you so long to do the dishes? Everybody has to do this daily task. Should it really absorb this amount of time? You must be doing something wrong. 

Reality check. Your other friends get up early to exercise before their kids are awake. Why is that so hard for you to not hit the snooze icon <ha> three times? Get up sleepy head. Rise and shine, and don't sleep your life away. 

Hmmm, you really couldn't find a matching hair bow OR matching socks? I'm pretty sure that you are making your kids look like they are homeless. People will start throwing quarters at their heads if you don't change this pattern of disorganization.  

Oh, and one more thing. You must have an anger management problem because you scream at your kids WAY too much. And it's not really working. Can't you get more creative in your discipline approach? Go read one of those parenting books by your bedside that is collecting dust. Or maybe there's an app for anger management. 

… I think you get the picture. Unfortunately this can easily be my inner monologue. Terrible, I know. I have a feeling I'm not alone with this negative self-talk. What a depressing place to be inside of your head! We become our own punching bags whenever such thoughts cross our minds. No one would ever say that many cruel things to us, or at least they shouldn't! So, why do we allow ourselves to think such evil thoughts about the woman that God created? We often set up for ourselves such high standards that we cannot give ourselves a break. 

We all have areas in which we need to improve our habits. I know I do for sure. (See above.) However, it does not help when our minds become kamikaze planes in the meantime. It does not become productive. It is just defeating and demoralizing. 

As women of God, we must learn to replace the negative self-talk with the truth that God lays out in His word. We are loved, we are called His children, and He made no mistakes with us. 

Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.

Even in the midst of our constant errors, he is rejoicing over us, and loving us unconditionally. 

1 John 3:1 See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him.

Think of the love you have for your children. (Even if you also forgot to send your child's show and tell toy with him.) Our heavenly Father has heaps more love for us, than we could ever love our own children. We are called the children of God! 

If ever there was a chapter that gives us reassurance of how we are designed by God, wonderfully, it is Psalm 139. It's a keeper.Psalm 139

A strong friendship is a lifeline to so many of us, especially during motherhood.

I am floored by the fact that Jesus calls us His friends. Not only this, but He gave his life for His friends. No greater love than that! (John 15) And we are in His circle of friends? It's more of an honor than we often recognize. 

Each day, there are so many things that go awry, that can make us think the worst of ourselves. Be inspired to see yourself through the lens of Christ. See yourself as His child, whom He loved, even to the point of death on a cross. 

You are fearfully, and wonderfully made. Nothing is a surprise to Him. Even in your faults, he is singing over you, and delights in you. I love the sweet moments where I can honestly delight in my kids. To think that our heavenly Father has the same (ok, more!) love and delight for YOU, should give you exactly the come back you need to silence the inner foe! Once she is quiet, you might not feel so crazy anymore. I hope. ;) 

Psalm 139


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