Would you be my friend?
Growing up, I wasn’t always on the “in crowd.” Well, I suppose I was on the fringes of the popular group where I would walk around with the super fly girls with my tight rolled jeans and Aquanet plastered bangs flopping in the wind at recess, but not a full fledged B.F.F. with golden heart locket carrying member. In 6 th grade I remember really longing to be invited to a birthday party plus pillow fight inducing sleepover of the “double threat girls,” wielding both brains and beauty. But, alas I did not have the coveted handmade invite slipped into my knock off JanSport inspired bookbag. As if it wasn’t painful enough, on Monday morning I would hear all about their life-altering facemasks and prank calls to the cute boys, with jealousy swallowed down hard. In my heart I longed to be in their inner circle of friends, but in the midst of my pain, the Lord gave me beautiful, lasting friendships with fellow like-minded, and faithful young ladies. So why did I so desperately want the...